Emil Ford Lawyers

About Us

Then                            ... and Now



Emil Ford hung up his brass plate at 350 George Street, Sydney. Since then, the firm has had offices opposite Wynyard, near Australia Square, at Challis House in Martin Place and, since 1990, at 580 George Street.


Emil Ford was joined in the practice by his daughter Hilary as the Second World War began.

Hilary was the ninth female law graduate from the University of Sydney and the only female graduate in 1940. She continued in the firm until her retirement in 1973.

Hilary Ford


Her brother Harvey studied law after his return from active service in the airforce in World War II, joining the firm in 1948. He retired in the late 1980's.

Harvey Ford

David Ford & his daughter, Elisabeth (who currently uses her legal expertise in London)


Harvey’s son David joined the firm in 1975.



Garry Pritchard came on board in 1981. More recently, Fred Chilton joined after many years as a partner in a large city firm.

Garry Pritchard

Fred Chilton

Looking back at days gone by:
A day out for the staff and their families and some historical correspondence.  

Suite 4 Level 5
580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9267 9800
Fax: +61 2 9283 2553