Emil Ford Lawyers

Is Your Intellectual Property Ready for Summer?

As summer approaches, many Australians are frantically preparing their “beach bod” for summer and our winter sports begin their pre-season training, whilst others set aside some time to bolster their Christmas pudding reserves.

With fitness on the mind, Emil Ford Lawyers offers an intellectual property fitness test. Intellectual property is far more than a cosmetic “six pack”, it is a vital part of an organisation’s health.

For a fixed fee of $1,000 plus GST, we will provide a full review of your intellectual property protection using publicly available materials, including:

  • conducting trade mark searches of your key brands;
  • reviewing your domain name and searching for competing domain names;
  • reviewing a sample of publicly available materials and materials provided by you;
  • considering any databases used by you and advising on the collection of information including whether any further work is required to ensure compliance with the Privacy Act; and
  • advising on the steps that you can take to protect your intellectual property.

Organisations that undergo an intellectual property fitness test will receive a personalised report.

Image of fit guy doing pushups "Intellectual property is far more than a cosmetic “six pack”, it is a vital part of an organisation’s health."

For more information, please contact  or .



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580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9267 9800
Fax: +61 2 9283 2553