Emil Ford Lawyers

The Child Safe Standards

In its final Report, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse developed Child Safe Standards for adoption and implementation by institutions to make them safer for children. The Royal Commission noted that child safe institutions create cultures, adopt strategies and take action to prevent harm to children, including child sexual abuse.

In the Commission’s definition, a child safe institution:

  • consciously and systematically creates conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children,
  • creates conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying and reporting harm, and
  • responds appropriately to disclosures, allegations or suspicions of harm.

The Child Safe Standards articulate the essential standards of a child safe institution. The Standards guide what institutions need to do to be child safe by setting best practice to drive and guide performance. Further, the Child Safe Standards are a benchmark against which institutions can assess their child safe capacity and set performance targets. The Standards are:

The Commission identified the core components of each Child Safe Standard to help guide institutions to implement the Standards. We set out here the core components of the Standards.

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Standard 1: Leadership, governance and culture

Child safety is embedded in institutional leadership, governance and culture

The Standard’s core components

We consider the core components of leadership, governance and culture in a child safe institution to be the following:

(a)   The institution publicly commits to child safety and leaders champion a child safe culture.

The institution:

  • explains in publicly available information how the institution is meeting its commitment to child safety and welcomes feedback
  • addresses child safety in duty statements and performance agreements for all staff, including senior leaders and board members
  • raises staff awareness about obligations to protect the safety and wellbeing of children within a broader context of supporting children’s rights
  • establishes and maintains a workplace culture of respect for children, regardless of their individual characteristics, cultural backgrounds and abilities
  • lists child safety as a standing meeting agenda item

(b)   Child safety is a shared responsibility at all levels of the institution.

To embed this responsibility in the institution’s culture:

  • children’s cultural safety is addressed in the institution’s policies and procedures
  • information about child safety is accessible, regularly promoted, and staff, volunteers, children and families are encouraged to raise safety issues without fear of retribution
  • staff, volunteers, children and families report that they know that child safety is everyone’s responsibility and they feel empowered to have a say in and influence decisions about child safety.

Leaders of the institution:

  • inform themselves about all aspects of child safety
  • model and foster a commitment to child safe practices
  • set accountabilities for child safe principles at all levels of the institution’s governance structure
  • understand the problem of child sexual abuse
  • foster a culture that supports anyone to disclose safely their concerns about harm to children
  • appoint to the institution’s board a Child Safe Trustee or Children’s Champion who is willing and able to advocate on behalf of children, and a Child Protection Coordinator who reports to the executive about the institution’s child safe performance.

Staff are made aware of their responsibilities through:

  • duty statements that identify roles and responsibilities (including child safety) for all positions
  • an organisational chart that shows lines of authority, reporting and accountability for each position.

(c)   Risk management strategies focus on preventing, identifying and mitigating risks to children.

Risk management strategies support a structured approach to identifying and assessing the characteristics of an institution that may heighten the risk of child sexual abuse. They are an important tool to help keep children safe.

The institution’s risk management strategy:

  • is developed from a clear, evidence-informed concept of potential intentional and unintentional risks to children in an institution’s specific setting. For sexual abuse, it requires knowing the characteristics of abusers and victims, and how, when and where abuse tends to occur
  • has a prevention focus that addresses child safety
  • has appropriate controls to identify, assess and address risks
  • considers increased risk with specific roles and activities, and children with heightened vulnerability, but does not discourage positive relationships between adults and children, and healthy child development
  • attends more closely to risk in situations where staff have roles that involve working alone with children or without supervision; in private settings; in intimate care routines or situations with children (for example, bathing, dressing, or counselling and guidance); and in leading or supervising others in child safety roles.

(d)   Staff and volunteers comply with a code of conduct that sets clear behavioural standards towards children.

A code of conduct sets out clear behavioural standards, practices or rules that are expected of individuals in an institution. This includes standards of behaviour that are expected between adults and children.

The institution’s code of conduct:

  • applies to all staff and volunteers, including senior leaders and board members
  • clearly describes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour of employees and volunteers towards children (for example, by illustrating behaviours with relevant examples)
  • is communicated effectively to all staff
  • requires signed acknowledgement by all staff and volunteers
  • is published, accessible to everyone within the institution (including children and families) and communicated throughout the institution using a range of modes and mechanisms
  • if breached, requires a prompt response and includes clearly documented response mechanisms, on a continuum from remedial education and counselling through to suspension, termination and official reports.

(e)    Staff and volunteers understand their obligations on information sharing and recordkeeping.

Within the institution:

  • staff and volunteers are aware of and understand their obligations in relation to data collection, information sharing and recordkeeping
  • records are stored in accordance with best practice principles for access and use.

Emil Ford Lawyers can assist you by:

  • talking with your board about governance issues
  • drafting employment contracts that address child safety
  • preparing child protection and related policies
  • educating your leaders and employees about child safety and the law, and about risk management
  • preparing a code of conduct
  • guiding you about privacy, confidentiality and recordkeeping.

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Standard 2: Children's participation and empowerment

Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of children’s participation and empowerment within an institution to be the following:

(a)   Children are able to express their views and are provided opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their lives

The institution:

  • asks children to participate and talk about the things that affect their lives, including their safety
  • embeds children’s participation into institutional practices, for example, by providing opportunities for children to participate in decisions that affect their lives
  • matches participation methods to the age, capabilities and cultural background of the children, and the type of institution
  • creates opportunities for children to be involved in institutional governance, while also being honest with children about the extent of their involvement and giving children feedback on how their views have been actioned by the institution
  • plans formal and informal times and activities for information sharing and discussion with children about broad institutional issues and/or decisions
  • provides opportunities for children to give feedback to the institution, including anonymous surveys and/or suggestion boxes.

(b)   The importance of friendships is recognised and support from peers is encouraged, helping children feel safe and be less isolated

The institution:

  • recognises the importance of children’s friendships and peer support in helping children feel safe and be less isolated
  • actively supports children to develop and sustain friendships (for example, a ‘buddy system’)
  • provides children with education about safe and respectful peer relationships, including through social media.

(c)   Children can access sexual abuse prevention programs and information

The institution:

  • provides children with access and referral to educational programs on child protection appropriate to their age, ability and level of understanding
  • openly displays contact details for independent child advocacy services and child helpline telephone numbers, and explains their use to children
  • arranges appropriate referrals or support for children.

(d)   Staff and volunteers are attuned to signs of harm and facilitate child-friendly ways for children to communicate and raise their concerns

The institution:

  • establishes mechanisms that enable children to raise any complaints safely
  • provides staff with resources and/or training opportunities to support children’s participation
  • requires staff to be vigilant to signs of harm and routinely check to see if children are okay
  • provides child-focused and inclusive complaint-handling processes
  • allows sufficient time, opportunity and appropriate support for children with disability to raise concerns
  • draws on a culturally diverse workforce to nurture and support children’s diverse needs and cultural safety
  • ensures sufficient time to build healthy relationships between staff, volunteers and children.

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Standard 3: Family and community involvement

Families and communities are informed and involved

The Standard’s core components

We consider the core components of family and community involvement in a child safe institution to be the following:

(a)  Families have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of their child and participate in decisions affecting their child

The institution:

  • supports families to take an active role in monitoring children’s safety across institutions
  • clearly describes the roles and responsibilities of parents and carers to ensure the safe participation of children
  • keeps families informed of progress and actions relating to any complaint, and discusses matters with families and carers in accordance with the law
  • if it has specific expertise, may take a leadership role in raising community awareness of child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.

(b)   The institution engages in open, two-way communication with families and communities about its child safety approach and relevant information is accessible

The institution:

  • ensures families have seen/read information stating the institution’s commitment to child safety and detailing actions it will take to meet this commitment
  • ensures families know where to find the institution’s code of conduct and child safe policies and procedures (these may be transmitted in fact sheets, information sessions or apps)
  • ensures families know how, when and to whom complaints should be made
  • uses multiple strategies and modes for communicating institutional policies and activities with families
  • ensures institutional communications are publicly available, current, clear, timely, and delivered in multiple modes and formats as appropriate to a diverse stakeholder audience, taking into account cultural relevance and different levels of English language skills
  • allows sufficient time to establish a rapport with families and communities, particularly for children with heightened vulnerability
  • identifies barriers to communication and enacts specific strategies to overcome them.

(c)   Families and communities have a say in the institution’s policies and practices

The institution:

  • consults families and communities on the development of institutional policies and practices
  • consults families and communities on institutional decisions, where feasible and appropriate.

(d)   Families and communities are informed about the institution’s operations and governance

The institution:

  • ensures families are aware of the institution’s leadership team and their roles
  • ensures families are aware of the roles and responsibilities of the staff delivering services directly to their children.

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Standard 4: Equity and diverse needs 

Equity is upheld and diverse needs are taken into account

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of upholding equity and meeting diverse needs of children in an institution to be the following:

(a)   The institution actively anticipates children’s diverse circumstances and backgrounds and responds effectively to those with additional vulnerabilities

The institution:

  • learns about circumstances and experiences that increase a child’s vulnerability to harm or abuse in institutional contexts
  • understands barriers that prevent children from disclosing abuse or adults from recognising children’s disclosures, with particular attention to children’s cultural contexts, languages, cognitive capabilities and communication needs
  • takes action to minimise barriers to disclosure
  • focuses particular attention on safety in closed or segregated environments, such as out-of-home care, boarding schools, youth detention, some religious institutions, specialist education facilities and disability support settings
  • consults with a range of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and with the necessary expertise (including children, families and communities) in developing institutional strategies for addressing all of the Child Safe Standards.

(b)   All children have access to information, support and complaints processes

The institution:

  • recognises and respects diverse backgrounds, identities, needs and preferences
  • provides culturally safe and culturally responsive child-friendly services
  • uses translation services and bicultural workers with knowledge of child abuse issues, particularly to facilitate disclosure, reporting and complaint handling
  • provides accessible information in multiple formats for individuals with different levels of English literacy and proficiency, modes of communication, languages and cognitive abilities
  • accesses external expert advice when required, such as cultural advice or disability support.

(c)   The institution pays particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children with disability, and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

The institution:

  • strives for a workforce that reflects diversity of cultures, abilities and identities
  • implements awareness training as part of induction and ongoing staff education, with specific content related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children with disability, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and others with particular experiences and needs
  • makes clear reference in its policies and procedures to additional considerations related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, disability, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and other experiences and needs
  • implements and monitors the outcomes of specific strategies tailored to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children with disability, and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, to ensure their safety and participation in the organisation.

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Standard 5: Human resources management

People working with children are suitable and supported

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of human resource management in a child safe institution to be the following: 

(a)   Recruitment, including advertising and screening, emphasises child safety

Employment advertising packages include:

  • the organisation’s statement of commitment to being a child safe institution
  • the institution’s code of conduct, and child safe policy and procedures
  • specific selection criteria concerning attitudes to and application of child safety measures to which applicants must respond
  • job descriptions and duty statements that set clear expectations about child safety, including induction and training.

Recruitment, selection and screening procedures:

  • show clearly documented recruitment procedures and processes
  • verify applicants’ identity, qualifications and professional registration
  • involve children and/or families where feasible and appropriate
  • include thorough, structured interviews
    • providing clear information to applicants about the institutional commitment to child safety
    • assessing the values, motives and attitudes of job applicants who will work directly with children
    • establishing why the applicant is leaving their current job
    • thoroughly assessing the applicant’s professional experience, qualifications and competence to work with children
  • include stringent and careful reference checks
    • involving direct conversations with at least two professional referees
    • including the applicant’s current or most recent employer
    • ascertaining, where possible, the applicant’s attitudes and behaviours in previous child-related roles
    • ascertaining whether the applicant has ever been involved in any complaint processes
  • check that staff have formal qualifications commensurate with their role and responsibilities, or are informed they will be expected to engage with and qualify in relevant study
  • encourage a culturally diverse workforce to nurture and support children’s cultural safety
  • ensure human resources staff and interview panels have the appropriate education and training to dispense their obligations appropriately and effectively
  • are followed by recruitment agencies, labour suppliers, contractors and volunteers.

(b)   Relevant staff and volunteers have Working With Children Checks

The institution:

  • requires staff and volunteers to undertake screening procedures including criminal history checks to assess a person’s fitness to work with children as specified in law (for example, Working With Children Checks)
  • builds in allowance for revalidation.

(c)   All staff and volunteers receive an appropriate induction and are aware of their child safety responsibilities, including reporting obligations

The institution’s induction for new staff and volunteers:

  • is a documented process and tracked through a register for new staff and volunteers
  • occurs immediately after appointment and, ideally, before work with children begins
  • provides instruction on
    • children’s rights
    • respect for children, regardless of their individual characteristics, cultural backgrounds, and abilities
    • the code of conduct and child safe policies and procedures
    • strategies that identify, assess and minimise risk to children
    • how to respond to a disclosure from a child
    • complaints processes, including how to respond to a complaint about behaviour towards children
    • reporting obligations (including mandatory reporting) and procedures including format, content and destinations for reports
    • protections for whistleblowers
  • is more detailed for staff working in roles and situations with higher risk, for example, with children who may be more vulnerable to maltreatment
  • is reviewed regularly.

(d)   Supervision and people management have a child safety focus

The institution’s people management includes: 

  • a probationary employment period for new staff and volunteers, to allow time to assess suitability to the position
  • regular reviews of staff and volunteer performance, including adherence to the code of conduct and child safe policies and procedures
  • opportunities to formally or informally raise concerns about harm or risk of harm to children
  • appropriate responses to concerns about performance in the institution’s code of conduct
  • feedback on staff performance from children and/or families, where feasible and appropriate
  • a structure and process for professional supervision and support.

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Standard 6: Child-focused complaints process

Processes to respond to complaints of child sexual abuse are child focused

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of complaint handling in a child safe institution to be the following:

(a)   The institution has a child-focused complaint-handling system that is understood by children, staff, volunteers and families

The institution:

  • ensures children, staff, volunteers and families know who to talk to if they are worried or are feeling unsafe
  • takes all complaints seriously and responds promptly and appropriately, as detailed in clear procedures
  • has an open culture that supports safe disclosure of risks of harm to children
  • provides information in accessible, age-appropriate and meaningful formats to children and families who use the service, mindful of their diverse characteristics, cultural backgrounds and abilities
  • offers a variety of avenues for children to make complaints
  • provides information about its complaint-handling process, including how to make a complaint and what to expect.

(b)   The institution has an effective complaint-handling policy and procedure which clearly outline roles and responsibilities, approaches to dealing with different types of complaints and obligations to act and report

The institution’s complaint-handling policy includes:

  • approaches to dealing with different types of complaints, including concerns, suspicions, disclosures, allegations and breaches
  • links to the code of conduct and definitions of various forms of abuse, including sexual abuse and sexual misconduct
  • actions to be taken where the subject of a complaint is a staff member, volunteer, parent, another child or person otherwise associated with the institution. In the case of a staff member, for example, this may include supervision, removal of contact with children or being stood down
  • detailed guidance on how institutional members (including senior management, supervisors, staff and volunteers) should respond to allegations, including steps for reporting externally as required by law and/or the complaint-handling policy
  • communication, referral and support mechanisms for staff, volunteers, children and their families
  • approaches to dealing with situations in which a child may cause abuse-related
  • harm to another child
  • a clear commitment that no one will be penalised or suffer adverse consequences for making a complaint.

(c)   Complaints are taken seriously, responded to promptly and thoroughly, and reporting, privacy and employment law obligations are met

When a complaint is made, the institution can show that:

  • children are consulted and have input into the design of a complaint process and access to a support person at all times
  • responses are quick and thorough and relevant people are kept informed of the progress, outcomes and resolution of the complaint
  • cooperation occurs with investigating authorities, including police
  • personal information arising from complaints is treated in accordance with the law
  • effective recordkeeping practices are used in accordance with the law
  • all complaints are documented regardless of whether the complaint meets statutory reporting thresholds.

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Standard 7: Staff education and training

Staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of staff education and training in a child safe institution to be the following: 

(a)   Relevant staff and volunteers receive training on the nature and indicators of child maltreatment, particularly institutional child sexual abuse

Training has the following features:

  • Training is culturally responsive to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, migrant, refugee and multi-faith communities and to the needs of people with disability; for example, by being delivered jointly by bilingual and/or bicultural workers and interpreters.
  • Training is evidence based and provided by expert trainers relevant to the institutional context.
  • Training resources and tools are consistent, simple, accessible and easy to use. Materials are tailored to meet the needs of the particular institution with respect to individual characteristics, cultural backgrounds and abilities, and the roles of workers and volunteers.
  • Training covers specific topics including
    • children’s rights and children’s perceptions of what makes an institution safe
    • respect for children, regardless of their individual characteristics, cultural backgrounds and abilities
    • the indicators of child sexual abuse
    • how to respond to indicators and disclosures of child sexual abuse
    • definitions and examples of child sexual abuse and grooming/manipulation
    • the characteristics of victims, offenders, and risky environments and situations
    • combating stereotypes of both victims and offenders
    • understanding and responding to harmful behaviours by a child towards another child.
  • Methods used in training include presentation of information, interactive discussion, values clarification, worked examples, role play and feedback.
  • Training programs are regularly and externally reviewed including in response to the emerging evidence base.

(b)   Staff and volunteers receive training on the institution’s child safe practices and child protection

Training on the institution’s policies and practices:

  • is provided to all staff on induction and through frequent refresher training (for example, annually)
  • includes records of participation to ensure all personnel attend training sessions
  • covers institutional risk management, code of conduct, child safe policies and procedures, including specific information on reporting obligations, complaints mechanisms and protections
  • includes examples of where, when, how, to whom and by whom child sexual abuse can occur in institutional settings.

(c)   Relevant staff and volunteers are supported to develop practical skills in protecting children and responding to disclosures

The institution:

  • provides more detailed training for staff working in roles and situations with higher risk, such as closed or segregated settings or with children who may be more vulnerable to maltreatment
  • provides training that empowers staff with the knowledge and competencies to identify risks, prevent sexual abuse, report complaints and respond appropriately
  • trains senior leaders, supervisors and staff engaged in recruitment processes to be alert to signs of unusual attitudes towards children (for example, if applicants profess to have ‘special relationships’ with children, disagree with the need for rules about child protection, or have a desire to work with children that seems focused on meeting their own psychological or emotional needs)
  • provides advanced training for senior leaders and supervisors and children’s champions
  • briefs all staff and volunteers on how to respond to children who disclose through a variety of mechanisms
  • provides training that prepares staff to respond to critical incidents, such as complaints of child sexual abuse.

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Standard 8: Physical and online environment

Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of a child safe physical and online environment to be the following:

(a)   Risks in the online and physical environment are identified and mitigated without compromising a child’s right to privacy and healthy development

To minimise risks, the institution would have the following features:

  • effective natural surveillance with few out-of-the-way places, taking into account children’s right to privacy
  • routine movements of responsible adults to provide formal and informal line-of-sight supervision
  • rooms with large, unobstructed windows or observation panels (including for sensitive places such as principals’, chaplains’ or counsellors’ rooms).
  • surveillance equipment (for example, CCTV) installed in high-risk environments where natural surveillance is not feasible, taking into account children’s right to privacy and complying with sector standards
  • consultation with children about physical and online environments and what makes them feel safe
  • consideration of the age, gender mix and vulnerabilities of children in the setting
  • random checks of obstructed and out-of-the-way locations (for example, dressing rooms, first-aid rooms or sporting grounds away from main buildings)
  • open discussions of children’s safety, the nature of organisational activities, the quality of equipment and the physical environment
  • a strong prevention and awareness focus, by educating children, parents, staff, volunteers and the institution’s stakeholder community about online safety and security.

(b)   The online environment is used in accordance with the institution’s code of conduct and relevant policies

The institution:

  • routinely monitors the online environment, reporting breaches of its code of conduct or child safe policies in accordance with the institution’s complaint-handling processes
  • reports serious online offences to police in accordance with mandatory reporting obligations
  • provides education and training about the online environment that is consistent with its code of conduct and child protection and other relevant policies, and addresses the use of mobile phones and social media.

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Standard 9: Review and continuous improvement

Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of continuous review and improvement of child safe practices to be the following: 

(a)   The institution regularly reviews and improves child safe practices

The institution:

  • regularly reviews and records its implementation of the Child Safe Standards, including improvement mechanisms
  • is regularly audited for all of the Child Safe Standards, either internally or externally by an independent, specialist agency
  • maintains a culture of awareness to ensure that policies and practices are implemented and routinely reviewed, even though staffing may change.

(b)   The institution analyses complaints to identify causes and systemic failures to inform continuous improvement

The institution:

  • undertakes a careful and thorough review to identify the root cause of the problem, any systemic issues (including failures), remaining institutional risks and improvements to institutional policies and practices. This is undertaken as soon as a complaint is made, and again when it is finalised
  • may consider employing an external expert or agency to offer an independent case review, which should be underpinned by the following key features
    • a preventive, proactive and participatory approach to ensure everyone understands, and has confidence in, the institution’s child safety approach
    • accountability for maintaining child safe policies and practices that are communicated, understood and accepted at all levels of the institution
  • can show the ways in which policies and practices have changed, when the need for improvement is identified
  • if serving children who are at risk, more vulnerable or hard to reach, gives attention to the evolving evidence base in relation to the safety of all children, being mindful of their individual characteristics, cultural backgrounds and abilities
  • if employing staff in roles that involve working either alone or without supervision with children, or in intimate care situations with them, gives attention in the institution’s review and continuous improvement process to the evolving evidence base in relation to effective risk management in these contexts.

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Standard 10: Child safe policy and procedures

Policies and procedures document how the institution is child safe

The standard’s core components

We consider the core components of policies and procedures in a child safe institution to be the following: 

(a)   Policies and procedures address all Child Safe Standards

The institution’s policies and procedures incorporate the intent of all Child Safe Standards to ensure the best interests of children are placed at the heart of their operation and central to their purpose.

(b)   Policies and procedures are accessible and easy to understand

The institution’s child safe policies and procedures are:

  • readily and publicly accessible (for example, there is a link to them from the institution’s website home page that is no more than three clicks from the home page, or available on public noticeboards)
  • downloadable or available as a single Word or PDF document
  • provided to staff and volunteers at induction, and communicated further via education and training
  • ideally available in multiple modes for individuals with different levels of English literacy and proficiency, modes of communication and access to digital technologies (for example, multiple languages/dialects, visual aids/posters, audio and audio visual resources)
  • ideally available in child-friendly and developmentally appropriate formats that pay attention to children’s diverse characteristics, cultural backgrounds and abilities
  • provided to staff and volunteers at induction, and communicated further via education and training.

(c)   Best practice models and stakeholder consultation inform the development of policies and procedures

In institutions working primarily or exclusively with children, policies and procedures are subject to regular external review.

Specific administrative details appear on the policies and procedures document, including:

  • the effective date, review date, author(s), and executive approval details
  • a list of related documents or policies that must be read in conjunction with the child safe policies and procedures (including relevant legislation, regulations).

The policies and procedures document:

  • states the underlying institutional child safety values or principles
  • defines terms used in the policy
  • specifies to whom the policy applies and the responsibilities of staff and volunteers
  • defines the different types of child maltreatment covered by the policy
  • lists indicators of possible abuse and how to respond
  • specifies legal reporting obligations for staff and volunteers
  • includes a diagram that shows reporting chains (for example, a decision tree)
  • describes what actions to take if a child is at imminent risk of harm
  • clearly identifies when reports are to be made and the relevant authority to whom they should be directed (including reporting child sexual abuse to the police)
  • sets out child safe education and training requirements (including frequency) for staff and volunteers.

(d)   Leaders champion and model compliance with policies and procedures

Leaders in the institution:

  • can access appropriate experts/mentors when dealing with complaints
  • develop collaborative relationships with other relevant organisations and stakeholders to share knowledge about implementing practical child safety measures.

(e)   Staff understand and implement the policies and procedures

Staff and volunteers in the institution:

  • are aware of, have read, understand and intend to follow the child safe/child protection policies and procedures and can provide examples in which they have done this
  • receive adequate training and education regarding the policies and procedures and how to implement them
  • know that they are required to comply with reporting obligations concerning suspected or known child sexual abuse
  • know who to approach with concerns or questions.

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Sydney NSW 2000
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