Emil Ford Lawyers

Payments on Termination of a Village Contract

Form of Ownership 


Time for repayment of ingoing contribution.  Defined in Sec 6.  Payment of departure fee.  Defined in Sec 156.  Time recurrent charges cease. 

Optional Services 

General Services 

 Strata or
 company title -
 Interest Holder
 Sec 7 (1)(a).

 No ingoing
 Sec 6.
 No ingoing
 contribution, so
 no departure
 fee.  Sec 157(2).
 Cease when
  resident moves
  out or dies.
  Sec 151(1A)
 Cease when the
 vacates after a
 arrangement is
 entered into,
 unless an earlier
 date is agreed.
 After 42 days the
 charges are
 shared in the
 same proportion
 as capital gain.  
 Sec 153.

 lease for at least
 50 years or for
 the life of the
 lessee and
 resident entitled
 to at least 50%
 of capital gain
 Interest Holder
 under Sec


 14 days after a
 is entered into
 unless an earlier
 date is agreed.
 Sec 180.
 Payable out of 
 the proceeds of

 Sec 157(3).


 Cease when
 resident moves
 out or dies. 
 Sec 151 (1A).
 Cease when the
 vacates after a
 arrangement is
 entered into,
 unless an earlier
 date is agreed.
 After 42 days the
 charges are
 shared in the
 same proportion
 as capital gain.
 Sec 153.

 Not a Registered
 Interest Holder:



 14 days after a 
 arrangement is
 entered into 
 unless an earlier
 date is agreed -
 but no later than
 6 months after
 possession is
 given. Sec 181.


 Payable out of
 the ingoing
 Sec 157(2).
 Cease when
 resident moves
 out or dies.
 Cease when the
 vacates after a
 is entered into
 unless an earlier
 date is agreed -
 but no later than 
 42 days after
 the resident
 Sec 153.
 Not a Registered 
 Interest Holder:
 No ingoing
 Not applicable.  No ingoing
 contribution, so
 no departure
 Sec 157(2).
 Cease when
 resident moves
 out or dies.
 Cease when the
 vacates after a
 arrangement is
 entered into
 unless an ealier
 date is agreed -
 but no later than 
 42 days after
 the resident
 Sec 153.


Suite 4 Level 5
580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9267 9800
Fax: +61 2 9283 2553