Emil Ford Lawyers

When might you be asked to sign a Residential Tenancy Agreement?

Sometimes, people need to move into a village before they have the funds to pay an ingoing contribution. This may be because they are waiting to sell their house or they may be waiting for funds from some other source. In this situation the Retirement Villages Act allows you to sign an agreement in the form of a Residential Tenancy Agreement as a temporary measure until you can pay the ingoing contribution. The rent which you will pay is normally the same as the levies you would pay under the village contract.

Also, the Retirement Villages Act says that you cannot be asked to sign a village contract until 14 days after you have been provided with a copy of each village contract that you will be asked to sign. If you need to move in before the 14 days have expired, you can do that by signing a short term Residential Tenancy Agreement.

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